
Come appreciate our creativity!

Let the local roads of Wisconsin and Illinois take your heart along the Art Route of the Rock River Trail. Get ready to have your spirit and mind touched by public and private displays of creativity depicting the human condition on the River of Heartland. Travel to more than 61 Wisconsin and  Illinois public sculptures and murals by local, historical and international artists adjacent to the Rock River. Explore more than 40 Wisconsin and Illinois art galleries, studios, foundries and museums offering true treasures of imagination, skill and grace.

The Rock River Trail Art Route was created by Frank Schier, founder of the Rock River Trail Initiative. Frank passed away on January 17, 2017 before we had the chance to get the Rock River Trail Art Route officially launched on the website, however he did create a printed brochure and it was distributed to communities along the Rock River in 2016. Frank was a huge supporter of the arts and co-founded the Rockford Area Music Industry awards (RAMIs). The Rock River Trail Art Route is Frank’s legacy among so many other achievements.

Download the Rock River Art Route Brochure