This Earth Day Adopt a Stormwater Grate

For Earth Day we invite you to do GrateWorks for your River!

Adopt a stormwater grate in your community and keep it clear of garbage and debris.

By  adopting and cleaning a stormwater grate you’ll prevent garbage and debris from washing into Rock River and the tributary streams that feed into the Rock River. Pollution from stormwater runoff is one of the biggest threats to clean water in the Rock River.  Stormwater picks up debris, chemicals, dirt and other pollutants from yards, parking lots and streets, and carries that into a storm sewer. Everything that flows into a stormwater grate goes directly into a lake, stream, river, or wetland!

How To Be A Hero to our Rock River 

  • Adopt a stormwater grate, or more than one! You don’t have to do anything formal to adopt a grate.
  • Register below so we can send you updates and more information.
  • The stormwater grate doesn’t need to be near your home; it could be on your biking or walking route, or near your school, church or favorite park.
  • Take pictures of your efforts and send it to or share it on social media and use the hashtag #grateworks

Stormwater Grate Cleaning Tips

  • Wear gloves and bright clothing or a safety vest to make yourself visible to traffic.
  • Position yourself so you are looking toward oncoming traffic.
  • If possible, clean the area around the stormwater grate by standing on the curb rather than standing in the street.
  • Work with a buddy to help you be aware of traffic around you.
  • Only clean grates during good weather and daylight hours.
  • Bring along a bag to collect garbage in to take home for disposal.
  • Separate out recyclables if possible and recycle with your community program.
  • Items to remove from storm grates include leaves, sticks, lawn clippings, garbage.

Thanks for helping to keep our communities and local waterways clean!

The GrateWorks program is an initiative of the Rock River Trail and is supported by a grant from Protect Wisconsin Waterways.

Please Sign Up Below

Note: If you live in a Wisconsin community, please also register for the Storm Drain Protector Program which is offered by Protect Wisconsin Waterways.